Hi everyone. I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all about this great program that several of my blog posts refer to. It is Influenster.com and it is exciting. What they are is a company that gets products from many other companies and gives those products to people to try out and review. There are many different themes that they group together...some recent themes were Mom, Naturals, Bride to be, Latina to name a few. How do you qualify for these boxes? You have to join influenster and unlock badges. There are badges for all different things, like mom, college student, techie, etc. Unlocking these badges lets them know what demographics you fit into so they can match you to a product box that fits your personality/lifestyle. You earn points as well, by reviewing products that fall into the categories of your badges. The more you review, the higher your score. They want you to use media outlets like twitter and facebook to spread the word about your product reviews. The more you review, and the more active you are on social networks, the more likely you are to get selected for one of the Vox Boxes.

The above picture shows the Naturals Vox Box I was selected to review. Once you are selected to receive a box, you have to use and review each product, either through blog posts, video blogs or the Influenster website. Even if you don't like the product, review it. The companies use our feedback in their market research and they need to know the good and the bad reviews of their products. Influenster also puts of brand challenges for each item, and completing those challenges can earn you bonus gift packs from the company. Below is a picture of a bonus I earned from Broadway Nails.
This is a really easy program really, you just incorporate the products you get to try into your daily life. Then take a little bit of time to do the reviews. So if you are someone who likes to try new products and pass on the word to friends, family and everyone else then Influenster might be for you. It is free to sign up and easy to get started. If this sounds like something you would like to try, go to
www.influenster.com and see what it is all about! :-)